How to use

Now, since the SIM is setup, you are ready to try out all the features of Mowito:

Running Navigation with no Map / Navigation to create Map

  1. Create a map using either of these three methods:

    1.1. Manual navigation:

    source ~/mowito_ws/devel/setup.bash
    roslaunch rosbot_description rosbot_rviz_mapping.launch

    in another terminal, start the remote control:

    source ~/mowito_ws/devel/setup.bash
    rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard

    and use it move the robot around

    1.2. Navigation, by giving goals through the rviz:

    source ~/mowito_ws/devel/setup.bash
    roslaunch rosbot_description rosbot_rviz_SLAM_nav.launch

    on rviz, give goals on the map, and the robot will move autnomously while creating the map

    1.3. Autonomous goal selection ,throuh Exploration:

    source ~/mowito_ws/devel/setup.bash
    roslaunch rosbot_description rosbot_rviz_SLAM_explore.launch

    on rviz you can see the robot automatically moving and exploring the area

  2. Once you are done creating the map on rviz, save the map on a new terminal exeute the following:

    source ~/mowito_ws/devel/setup.bash
    cd && rosrun map_server map_saver -f mymap

    the map (pgm and yaml) is saved in the home directory with the name mymap.pgm and mymap.yaml

Running Navigation with a pre-exitsting Map

  1. Place the robot at the origin of map (the place where you started mapping)

  2. Now, for running the entire system with mowito’s controller run:

    source ~/mowito_ws/devel/setup.bash
    roslaunch rosbot_description rosbot_rviz_mwpfl_nav.launch map_name:=mymap
  3. In the rviz, click on the second top panel, click on the nav goal option, and click on the displayed map to give goal to the robot

  4. look at the output on the rviz, the path planned and the motion of the robot.